My Actual Job

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Marketing Manager for a SaaS Company

Q1: Where are you located?

A1: I'm based in San Francisco, CA.

Q2: What is your role title?

A2: Marketing Manager

Q3: In your words, describe what you actually do?

A3: I manage marketing campaigns and projects, work with sales teams, create content and messaging, manage budgets, and analyze campaign performance.

Q4: How long have you been doing this role for?

A4: I've been a marketing manager for 3 years.

Q5: How did you get to this point in your career?

A5: I started in an entry-level marketing role after college and worked my way up to marketing manager over 5 years.

Q6: When it comes to remuneration, what are your three B’s? (Base, Bonus, Benefits?)

A6: My base salary is $120k. I get an annual bonus up to 15% and have standard benefits like healthcare, 401k match, etc.

Q7: I’m not going to ask you who you work for, but, what industry is your company in?

A7: I work in the software/SaaS industry.

Q8: When it comes to work flexibility, is your work primarily office-based, fully remote, or a mix of both? Which do you prefer? Does your company allow you to be flexible?

A8: My company has a flexible work policy, so I work partly in the office and partly remote. I prefer a mix of both.

Q9: What does an average week or a typical day look like for you? Can you walk me through your day? What time do you arrive and start at work, what are your main tasks/responsibilities, who do you interact with, what meetings do you attend, etc.?

A9: I start around 9 am, prioritize, and prep for meetings. 11 am is our team sales meeting, 12 pm is lunch. 1 pm, I have a 1:1 with my manager, 2 pm touch base with agencies, 4:30 pm connect with the inside sales team. In between meetings, I work on executing campaigns, creating content, managing projects, etc.

Q10: What does a typical day look like when things are going well vs a more challenging/stressful day?

A10: A good day is when I'm organized, prepared, and hit my top priorities. A bad day is when things come up unexpectedly and throw me off track.

Q11: What skills or knowledge are most important for your day-to-day work?

A11: Organization, communication, ability to prioritize, project management, writing, data analysis.

Q12: What are some examples of recent accomplishments or contributions you've made in this role?

A12: Launched a successful demand generation campaign that exceeded our clients goals by 20%.

Q13: Do you have a supportive manager and do you feel valued?

A13: I have a great manager who supports my development and gives me opportunities to take on new projects. I feel valued.

Q14: How much time do you spend collaborating with colleagues vs working independently?

A14: I'd say it's a 50/50 split between independent work and collaborating with colleagues.

Q15: Is there anything you wish you would have known before starting this role?

A15: How much budgeting, operations, and finance work is involved in marketing. The non-creative parts.

Q16: What do you hate most about your role?

A16: Dealing with spreadsheets, managing budgets, navigating internal politics.

Q17: What do you love most about your role?

A17: Coming up with campaign ideas, seeing results, working with creative agencies.

Q18: What’s the next role for you and when do you hope to achieve this?

A18: In 2 years, I hope to be a Senior Marketing Manager leading a team.

Q19: Is your next role going to be with the same company or a different one?

A19: I plan to stay at my current company for my next role, but if the right role and money was offered at another company then I would consider the move.

Q20: What’s one piece of advice you could give to someone who aspires to reach your position?

A20: Get experience in different marketing channels - content, social, events, etc. Understand sales and build relationships with sales teams.

Q21: It’s Day 1 for someone in your role. What one piece of advice would you give them to succeed?

A21: Don't be afraid to ask questions! There is so much to learn in this role across different teams, tools, and responsibilities. Whether it's asking about how a certain process works, getting clarity on a campaign objective, or figuring out how to use a new piece of technology, don't hesitate to speak up and ask questions. No one expects you to know everything on day one.

Asking questions shows initiative to learn and will help you get up to speed much faster. Don't let any gaps in knowledge remain unclear or assume you'll eventually figure it out. Asking questions early on will set you up for success in ramping up quickly in this role.

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