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Here are a few pieces of advice I would give to someone starting out as a front-end developer
on Day 1:
– Don’t be afraid to ask questions! It’s always better to ask if you’re unclear on requirements or
approach rather than spending time going down the wrong path. Ask your manager, teammates,
search Google/StackOverflow.
– Familiarize yourself with the codebase and how the different parts fit together. Spend time
reading through documentation and comments in the code to ramp up quicker.
– Make sure you understand task priorities and focus on high impact work first. Check in with
your manager if you need help parsing what’s most important.
– Don’t let yourself get blocked for too long. If you’re stuck on a bug or issue for over 30 mins,
ask for help from teammates. Getting input from others will likely unblock you faster.
– Review style guides and patterns that are already established in the codebase. Follow
consistent conventions in your own code.
– Be proactive in scheduling times to pair program or do code reviews with more experienced
developers. This will help you learn faster.
– Set up your dev environment neatly and personalized to your preferences. This will help you be more productive.
– Try to learn at least one new thing, technique or shortcut each week. Continuously expanding your skills will serve you well in the long-term.
– Ask for feedback frequently. Check if your work is meeting expectations and course correct if needed.
– Don’t neglect soft skills like communication, collaboration and time management. Those are critical for success in any developer role.